2017년 1월 15일 일요일

AI1: Distance between two GPS locations

Changes log:
Converted  project to AI2 and attached the aia project file.
No testing or debugging was done on the converted project.

This project uses the Great Circle formula to calculate the distance between two points.
I tested it for accuracy compared to the very complicated Vincenty inverse formula which is very accurate. I could not get Vincenty to work.
I tried Haversine which is fairly simple and based on the Great Circle formula and did not get any better results than this very simple formula.
For the distance from LA to NYC, the error was 16km.
For the distance from my house to my neighbor's house (37m), the difference was 15cm.
So...here it is...

Pass the latitude,longitude pairs and the units for the return value in a list to the DistancSCR library screen:
(units are kilometers, meters, miles, yards, feet)
The result contains the distance in the units that you specified.
If you specify an incorrect unit name, the list of units is returned.

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