2017년 1월 15일 일요일

Bug Report: Basic Authentication does not work (or at least not on all platforms

Windows 10 / Chrome App Inventory 2

Testing with Samsung Galaxy S6 via WiFi

Simply trying  a Get Request with Basic Authentication does not work.

Using WebViewer it does work - however that doesn't help me since I need the response which is an XML document to parse it out.....

Anyone know a work around?

Here is an example of the request that is not working as well as the webviewer component which succeeds.

I also tried it this way

This webviewer request does work but is not useful in my situation as I need the response xml for parsing:

why do you start a new thread? this does not help very much...
our discussion is here in case you could not find it anymore Basic Authentication in a web request

so which content-type did you try?

Please prepare an example as small as possible, which demonstrates this issue and add the project (aia file) into this thread, so someone can take a look

Sorry I was kind of assuming there would be another forum for posting bug reports.....so I left the original thread.

Anyway here is the aia file.  I tried with content type text/xml

you have to base64 encode the string username:password, see working example attached

Awesome Thanks Taifun!

Why does encoding it in the URL not work as it does for the webviewer?


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