2017년 1월 7일 토요일

Error Setting Image Picture from URL

I'm using the blocks as described in this post

As below

I'm getting the following error.

The url was pulled from Google Places and is

https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/photo?maxwidth=400&photoreference= CoQBcwAAAGCqwdm2PUG6sXKe9siPRSHEEGFoyrgj7KS1cLPhE4bUsMdXNv5gp4Hmzflfg2bx0hQg4gkkoTfuzXZU0OEGhFmdMB21KRcI2NRNlbeFRy8XDqISHqWBdaH6vGtpWVlZJHwF1McZmIXl2Ha88r6GHcDzxvdSZBGcLLJIFoYUzHO5EhBzLDlIVhhKhMlR5SrNdcdDGhTQ8DV4y2DUZaMd5hy-UtU4oQ5clw&key=AIzaSyBLj_f0WuugdjKhRorkJ444ZJDgGQWv5ao

Any ideas as to my problem?

Interesting.  When I copy and past the above photo link into my browser it redirects me to

When I put that into the web url as below the error doesn't appear.  Just need to figure out how to get that link from the first one.


a correct link to the example image would have been https://puravidaapps.com/images/logo.png

I copied the image of those blocks from the previous post.  For my app I've replaced the set Web1 URL to one from google places.  It looks like that when you pull a link to an image from google places its not the actual file location and therefore can't be displayed as an image picture.  I'm playing around with using a webviewer to view the url and then getting the current webviewer url to use to set the image picture.  I'll post the blocks when I get home.


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