2017년 1월 7일 토요일

Getting at raw camera data for processing

I was wondering if anyone could give me advice about how to get access to individual camera pixel data.  
How do I take a picture then transfer the picture data into an RGB data array where each individual pixel's intensity can be accessed and processed with a custom algorithm?

probably my Image Metadata Extension can help?

The App Inventor Extensions are currently in testing. See the announcement for more information about how to use an App Inventor Extension. 

I can see the usefulness of this extension.  This will allow me to take, store and retrieve images, but how does it allow me to get at individual pixels within an image or for example export the raw pixel image to an Excel array of RGB pixel data, index(X), index(Y)?


This will allow me to take, store and retrieve images

no, this will allow you to extract metadata of an image

 how does it allow me to get at individual pixels within an image 

well, I don't know, I only made the extension ;-)
you might want to take a look at the documentation, if there is something in there you can use for your purposes https://github.com/drewnoakes/metadata-extractor


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