So, I have been banging my head against the keyboard all weekend on this one...(BTW, not helping...)
I have the following, but can't get it to run the iInitial Command (or script)...what am I missing?
when Button1.LongClick
set ActivityStarter1.Action to "android.intent.action.MAIN"
set ActivityStarter1.ExtraKey to "jackpal.androidterm.iInitialCommand"
set ActivityStarter1.ExtraValue to "exec su -c whoami"
set ActivityStarter1.ActivityPackage to "jackpal.androidterm"
set ActivityStarter1.ActivityClass to "jackpal.androidterm.Term"
call ActivityStarter1.StartActivity
I have also tried the following:
when Button1.LongClick
set ActivityStarter1.Action to "android.intent.action.MAIN"
set ActivityStarter1.ExtraKey to "android.intent.action.RUN_SCRIPT"
set ActivityStarter1.ExtraValue to "exec sh"
set ActivityStarter1.ActivityPackage to "jackpal.androidterm"
set ActivityStarter1.ActivityClass to "jackpal.androidterm.Term"
call ActivityStarter1.StartActivity
Thanks much for your time and assistance,
I just tried this, see screenshot
you have to modify the manifest with a third party tool, e.g. AppToMarket to get this running, see also
Update...still nothing, however I did want to add that I also have the following setup:
On the ActivityButton in the Designer I have set up the following:
*Action:* android.intent.action.MAIN
*ActivityClass:* jackpal.androidterm.Term
*ActivityPackage:* jackpal.androidterm
*ExtraKey:* jackpal.androidterm.iInitialCommand
*ExtraValue:* sh /sdcard/
As suggested by this link:
I have also now built the to look like this:
when Button.clicked
set ActivityStarter1.ActivityPackage to "jackpal.androidterm.Term"
set ActivityStarter1.ActivityClass to "jackpal.androidterm"
set ActivityStarter1.Action to "jackpal.androidterm.RUN_SCRIPT"
set ActivityStarter1.ExtraKey to "jackpal.androidterm.iInitialCommand"
set ActivityStarter1.ExtraValue to "sh sdcard/"
if is empty call ActivityStarter1.ResolveActivity
then call notifier show
notice "ALERT!"
call ActivityStarter1.StartActivity
And I have edited the AndroidManifest.xml with the AppToMarket tool to now include:
<uses-permission android:name="jackpal.androidterm.RUN_SCRIPT"/>
which upon the .apk install where it asks for permissions...does not ask for anything like running scripts...
So, when I press the button, my app launches the Android Terminal, but just shows the command line with no command issued...frustrating...
I guess, I'm not sure if I'm missing something or where each item for ActivityStarter is supposed to go...
I think that is adding to the confusion and the inability for it to work...
Any other suggestions???
please follow the documentation EXACTLY, see also my screenshot
as you can see, there is no package and no class necessary
So, just to be clear...
I need to type in all of this into the manifest....EXACTLY...(except, of course, my own initial command...)
// opens a new window
Intent i = new Intent("jackpal.androidterm.OPEN_NEW_WINDOW");
// opens a new window and runs "echo 'Hi there!'"
// application must declare jackpal.androidterm.permission.RUN_SCRIPT in manifest
Intent i = new Intent("jackpal.androidterm.RUN_SCRIPT");
i.putExtra("jackpal.androidterm.iInitialCommand", "echo 'Hi there!'");
and should I change anything in my AI2 (Design or Blocks)???
just use the blocks from my screenhot...
// opens a new window and runs "echo 'Hi there!'"
// application must declare jackpal.androidterm.permission.RUN_SCRIPT in manifest
Intent i = new Intent("jackpal.androidterm.RUN_SCRIPT");
i.putExtra("jackpal.androidterm.iInitialCommand", "echo 'Hi there!'");
I now prepared a snippet, for details see here
I now prepared a snippet, for details see here
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