2014년 11월 30일 일요일

Current date and

Wanted to develop my total investments and as of now interest amount APP.

A. for this i need to save 1. Cust Name 2. principle amount 3. per anum intrest rate 4.starting date  after this when ever i check the investments total intrest amount should display.In this process , how to add get current date in the programme , if its from date picker how to set with out date picking inter action for date picker element.

B. How to edit data in TinyDB if any correction in the entered data


You need to create a list of your 4 items.  You save that list as the value for a single tag in the TinyDB.  If you want to change the data, you refill the list with the correct data and store it to the same tag name and the data will be overwritten with the new data in the list.

Use the clock component for the dates and times.

Have you done any of the tutorials?  The tutorials are located here:http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials

Also, read my tips in the links below:

For our App Inventor Tips, visit TwoDogApps.com

Is it possible to delete entire list of 4 items ONE RECORD from TinyDB, If yes how


If you have stored a list as a value for a single tag, just use the "clear tag" block, and give it the tag name.


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