For example, I'm trying to create a game scoring app and I've used HorizontalArrangements in every row and put the respective textboxes and buttons where they should belong. However, for some reason the text boxes don't align with the buttons properly. I've tried everything from adjusting the heights of both items but they still refuse to align (I think it is the buttons fault because after I replaced it with a label, everything was aligned like it should be). Also, I was wondering if there was any way to get rid of the cursor and yellow outline around the last textbox after anything is inputted inside of it. There doesn't seem to be an option for this so I was just wondering if there was a answer. I have attached a picture of the problems. Thank you for your time, I appreciate it!
On the last one, no... that's the focus box and it's part of the Android operating system... wherver your cursor is, is where the focus box will be.
On the first one, the alignment... it looks to me that the top of text of the components are all aligned. Have you tried a table arrangement?
Thanks for the response Enis. You're right, the text is aligned. Do you know what could be causing this though? I'll use the table arrangement as a last resort (it gets messy once there are a lot items in it).
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