2014년 12월 30일 화요일

Pizza party

I have just finished the pizza party tutorial. everything's ok but i would like as the screenshot of the tutorial to take off the header of the fusion table on my phone.
in fact the header takes too much place.

it seems to be, you are talking about the webviewer displaying the result of the fusointable...
you can't change that

what you can do is to define a SELECT statement, send the query to the fusiontable, get back the result in the fusiontables controls got result event and then display the result in your app as you like
this is an example: 

App Inventor and dynamic table layout with any number of rows and columns

Hello and thanks for your response.
I understand what you mean and i have been looking the table layout which is well explained. Nevertheless do you know where i can find an example of a select query with app inventor. Sql is ok for me but i'm not yet
well familiarized with fusiontable component do query etc.

Thanks by advance and Happy new year Bonne année 2015

Hello Taifun 
i'm trying to test the display layout you gave me the link, but something is wrong i can't reach the file there is an error but i can't find it
On my galaxy note there is note sdcard so i created in the AppInventor/assets directory the table.html (created by ac opy/paste)
Tne second directory does not exist, if i well understand it will be created as soon as the apk will be installed

you have to upload the file table.html as asset into App Inventor (same as you upload other assets like images, videos etc) then set development to true during development as explained here https://puravidaapps.com/table.php
does the example app (Version 2)  https://puravidaapps.com/table.phpwork for you?

Ok i's working on the dev mode with the tag to true but not yet when i packed and installed it on my smartphone with   the  flag  to false .
I checked the directories on my smartphone i can't find any android_asset directory. I don't understand something
Thanks one more time for your help

you will not find such directory on your device, because that is the directory "inside the app" after the app has been built

the first step is always to get the example app running
the second step is to adjust it to your needs

therefore first upload the example app (Version 2)  https://puravidaapps.com/table.php to App Inventor, set the flag development to false and build the project. Then test the app on your device and it should work.

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