Upon entering my AI project two errors appear saying "An internal error has occured. ¿Report a bug?" In both messages press 'Cancel', allowing me to enter the designer in the Screen1. Now, when I try specifically to open two different screen to Screen1, which in my case are called "Rubro_Animal" and "Seeds" respectively, I get back the same bug, apparently the error is in those two screens and not let me do anything in these screens, enter the designer or even blocks.
On the other hand, looked into it a bit in the forum and watch people who were looking into the console programmer browser to see if they appeared problems scripts, I got some errors that appear when loading those screens, it has to do with images that are not they are loaded from the repository. I do not know if something is related to the bug that occurs when opening screens, but I mention just in case.
I would greatly appreciate help from anyone who can give it to me. Thank you very much.
Here I leave the images,
Can you also post the blocks that are relevant to this problem?
It seems that you are trying to load images that do not exist.
It seems that you are trying to load images that do not exist.
is this a large project? how many screens? how many components? loads of assets like images, audio, video files?
you always can try to import your latest backup and restart working from there
I am having the same problem... it started April 21st, 2016.... projects that worked before and have not been touched can't load either... all of a sudden something on ai compiler's side has changed and i think it has caused problems for people like you and i .... i have the apks saved from these projects working perfectly on my devices yet i suddenly cannot access them in the online program properly same error message as this user ....
And thank you very for respond to my problem Ghica.
Yes, the browser tries to load images that no longer exist, but do not know what images are. The problembegan to appear from one moment to another.
I need at least recover all blocks are events on those screens (eg, buttons, input validation data, etc.), I do not need the variables. I could not tell exactly what they are, because they are many. Although, if you can recover the screens would be much better. I take careto get what I need from them.
I need at least recover all blocks are events on those screens (eg, buttons, input validation data, etc.), I do not need the variables. I could not tell exactly what they are, because they are many. Although, if you can recover the screens would be much better. I take careto get what I need from them.
Hello jopaar,
Exactly! My problem started this week. For me it's crazybecause I had time to develop the application and it is very important to me. I've taken a few tips to make the most efficient application because the project had manyblocks (over 10,000), but I need to use some blocksthat are there.
Exactly! My problem started this week. For me it's crazybecause I had time to develop the application and it is very important to me. I've taken a few tips to make the most efficient application because the project had manyblocks (over 10,000), but I need to use some blocksthat are there.
Hello Taifun, a pleasure. I've read some of your posts with tips and application development ... They are excellent.
Well, answering your questions: Yes, it is a big project(at least from my perspective). Has eight screens,among all there are more than 15,000 blocks (yes, I know. I did not know your advice to optimize projects http://twodogapps.com/?page_id=686#ShrinkingAIA thanks for that) and has about ten loaded images.
Thanks for your advice, but the problem is that ALLbackups .aia I did the project (even before there wasthe problem) when I import to AI, I get the same error appears in the same two screens. I want to mention that when I exported files .aia the error did not exist. I do not understand then why now the same error when I importappears.
And thank you very much for answering my problem.
Well, answering your questions: Yes, it is a big project(at least from my perspective). Has eight screens,among all there are more than 15,000 blocks (yes, I know. I did not know your advice to optimize projects http://twodogapps.com/?page_id
Thanks for your advice, but the problem is that ALLbackups .aia I did the project (even before there wasthe problem) when I import to AI, I get the same error appears in the same two screens. I want to mention that when I exported files .aia the error did not exist. I do not understand then why now the same error when I importappears.
And thank you very much for answering my problem.
i downloaded ai2u and installed on windows but have no idea on how to use it .... there is so much other info to wade through it is frustrating ... i just use ai2 with my phones, tablet and windows... no emulator ... so i am at a loss ...
It is as though all the blocks on one of my pages have been deleted ... even on saved projects i haven't touched at all! That can't be right. and my project is only 3mb in size ... but with 9 screens (i had 10 before and it still worked fine)
please be patient, see also this already mentioned thread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/gf4jZ1mHGUk/pVXLqksjBQAJ
and try tomorrow again
i downloaded ai2u and installed on windows but have no idea on how to use it ..
for questions about AI2U please ask in the AI2U forum https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ai2u
you probably might find this thread https://groups.google.com/d/msg/ai2u/Bw5xzkOAewM/K1mW4YERJwAJ helpful
Thanks for being right there with me Taifun... the only thing i hope doesn't happen is that i lose the blocks on my versions that i have done a ton of work on.... will check in tomorrow ... and do you know anything about logo trademarking for android apps with ai2? My project can be released on google play at any time now but i am afraid of my logo being stolen? Is that a valid concern or can i register mail it to myself or something like that?
Thanks for helping Taifun, I was surprised by the quickanswer to my problem.
I hope you can solve the problem with the bug, perhapsthat way I can recover much of my project.
Continue that way, my best wishes to you.
I hope you can solve the problem with the bug, perhapsthat way I can recover much of my project.
Continue that way, my best wishes to you.
Also, I seem interesting extensions developed for AI, I hope to try them.
I downloaded ai2u and installed both starter and program (thanks for the useful links Taifun) and got it all working with a little help from the support on their website. Did some work on my project and it is going just like before! Thanks a bunch and hope you get the bug out of the new changed ai2 soon and it is great to know i can always go back to something i have here saved on my computer if something goes wrong on the site ....
There is a new release out, maybe you could try again. If it still fails, I can ask one of the developers to try and rescue your project. It would require your project I'd and Google use rid.
Hello everyone! The bug finally disappears! Thank you very much for coming so quickly to provide help. I admire the dedication and prompt response on your part.
I can go to the screens that had the bug without problems. I can recover a lot of work done.
Thanks Taifun, thanks Ghica. Best wishes for you and for the whole group of AI.
I can go to the screens that had the bug without problems. I can recover a lot of work done.
Thanks Taifun, thanks Ghica. Best wishes for you and for the whole group of AI.
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