2014년 11월 27일 목요일

AI-BlockyTalky Extension

We're working with Ben Shapiro to extend AppInventor to support the BlockyTalky protocol, to add support for communication with hardware components, and we had a few design and integration questions.

What kind of testing is supported in AI? We found a couple of examples of unit testing on components but we'd like to have good test coverage and were wondering what the team typically uses.

We'd also like to make this into some kind of a plug-in or extension to AI, and would love some feedback on how to architect our code--we weren't able to find an extension mechanism, but want to keep the project as modular as we can.

Feel free to keep an eye on our progress, and thanks in advance for the feedback!

BlocklyTalky is awesome! any kind of integration would be fantastic.

Regarding testing, unit tests are the only thing we tend to write
right now; we do quite a bit of manual testing on different devices
and emulators before releasing, but automating UI stuff is generally
not easy. You can test your non UI code at a unit and integration
level if you have code that 'talks' to other things (network, disk,
and so forth), as long as you abstract your logic and decouple it from
the UI. You could use mocks and stubs, and if you need an additional
library such as mockito or similar, it should be easy to add (just add
it to the appinventor/lib/new_library folder, and then to the testing
classpaths in the ant files of the projects that need the library).

With regards to extensions, we've been talking for ages about a CDK
(Component Development Kit) to be able to treat components as plugins,
and there's a prototype for non-visible components (written a few
summers ago), but nothing that can be released any time soon. So for
now, I would work with components as explained in the docs.

It would be great to hear more from you to see what kind of stuff you
are thinking about. Would you be interested in joining us for an AI
open source hangout? You could show us the kind of things you are
doing, and we could discuss how integration could be achieved. We
generally have our hangouts once a month on a Saturday around noon or
1pm EST. There's nothing planned for this month, so we could start a
conversation there. What do you think?

It would be terrific to have one of the open source hangouts devoted to the blocky-talky work,

We'll probably do some mockup testing for the web socket communications, we'll keep working on that. 

Doing a hangout would be awesome! We can show you what we've done so far and where we there thinking of going next semester--we'd love to get your feedback. The end of our semester is coming pretty quickly, but we could potentially do Dec 6 or 13. Do you all have a preference?

I will be traveling on Dec 6, so someone else will have to organise the hangout if that's the date chosen. I'll be happy to watch it afterwards and provide feedback in any case!

I'm afraid I cannot do either the 6th or the13th.     I could do a hangout after 3PM (Boston time) of Monday 12/8, Tuesday 12/9 or Thursday 12/11.
Ben:  You said you could pick a slot.   Could you do that and let everyone know and we'll try this for whoever can make it?
Also, is there something we can read or look at in advance?

How does Wednesday, December 10 at 1:15 sound? We can come down to MIT and broadcast from there, or do a hangout from here. 

Hal, we can put together a write-up if you'd like, otherwise our fork of the repo is on Github: appinventor-sources along with some miscellaneous related code.

1:15 on Dec. 10 at 1:15 would be great for a visit and presentation on the App Inventor work you've been doing with Blocky-Talky.  One warning: we have a hard stop at 2:00, so you might want to try to get there earlier.   Some of the people can also stay around after 2 and we can chat about plans and implementation issues.

It's going to be difficult for people in other timezones to make that
time, but if you guys start a hangout on air with the open source
account, we can watch it afterwards.

We'll  try to set this up, but the quality might not turn out well, given the room.

Singleton BlockyTalky Component

Cannot Find Symbol for blokytalky


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