2014년 11월 27일 목요일


I'm having trouble width the screen that it is not large enough to complete the draft if allowed to Make a scrollable for the width 
I hope to answer me

You can not scroll the width in App Inventor on Screen1 or any of the other screens.  You can only scroll up and down (assuming you set the Screen1 Property of Scrollable by checking the box under Properties) You can scroll the width if what you are viewing can be accessed by a WebViewer or using the ActivityStarter.

A possible solution is to change, in the Designer Properties bin for  ScreenOrientation from Unspecified  to  Landscape or Sensor.

Did that answer your question?

I did all  thing you said but it didn't usefull

knowing i finished my project and i answer this problem but after a surge tired

i want to make alot of project 
 so i want from the desiner to redesine the Characteristics and put the scrollable

Sorry this is not working for you.  App Inventor is NOT a professional compiler.  It is open source and depends on contributions of code.  At the moment, it is impossible for an AI2 app to scroll the width dimension of an AI2 Screen without using a WebViewer/ActivityStarter.  You can not do this with AI2.

If you need to do this, consider the professional Android free development compilers Eclipse and Android Studio.

What you can do, to ameliorate the problem is re-use controls by hiding and restoring them as described here: 

⦁ Building apps with many screens

Doing the things shown there allows you to put a lot of controls on a single screen and hide or show them only when needed.

If you check this box, the screen becomes scroll-able from top to bottom.  There is no control to make it scroll-able from left to right.

Here is what this forum's users know about screen layout (where you place buttons, how you can arrange them etc) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/screen$20layout

There may be some techniques there...you will have to look at all the posts to find what you need.

If you need help in learning to program: MITs tutorials    http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html help you learn.  The
AI2 free online eBook   http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html   ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page.  Teaches you how to do many things with the AI2 blocks.

Thanks Steve 
Although all your replies you don't understand what I want
My project is periodic table so Ineed a big width and I need a lot of buttons 

App inventor does deal with scrollable width.   We can think about adding that feature, but it's not srtraightforward to implement and we're unlikely to get to it soon.

Try designing your periodic table as several pieces, each of which fits on a screen and putting these on different screens, and then adding controls that let people move to between screens.

OK..now that you elaborated, you MIGHT be able to use a Canvas like:  About the amount of BUTTONs    

or use a sprite for each element block within the Periodic Table and arrange them on the Canvas.   (Each element block would need to be an image of what you want written within the block.    Messy, but doable.

or  an html table with a WebViewer http://puravidaapps.com/table.php

Pictures transend language; a few screen captures would have made this discussion simple. 

Ok , thanks all


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