2 quick questions:
1. I've setup my app so that when it starts, a notification pops up with a "disclaimer". This is what I want, however, I only want this when the app opens, not every time it returns to Screen1 (which it will do frequently). Is this possible?
2. Again, this might not be possible. But when I'm filling in my fields in my app, I need to press each field, then input the value, then press the next field, etc etc. Is there a functionality to automatically/single button push move to the next/previous field, as you might in other apps?
1) You could put the Notifier in an IF..then block. Set up a global Boolean variable; something like Disclaimer = true or Disclaimer = false. Save the result in a TinyDB (you need to store the status when it is false perhaps). When the app loads (the Screen1.Initialize block should check the TinyDB for the disclaimer tag, post the result to the Disclaimer variable then allow the IF then to ignore the Notifier display if Disclamer is false. Try some blocks.
2) What you are looking for is a component with a set Focus. TextBoxes only have a LostFocus or a GotFocus block, so I am not sure you can do this in AI2. AI2 does not have the capability to call a component name and set its focus for the TextBox. There might be a work aground that I am not aware of.
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