2014년 12월 16일 화요일

pizza app fusion table

Is there anyway where by  the user can use the application with out inserting their email address. As the application cuts out towards the end as soon as they submit

 use a service account and follow the description of Ketaki here https://groups.google.com/d/msg/mitappinventortest/OqWxT8qIUnw/S-OiDJHonzUJ

how do you add the Keyfile?  Also, the service cloud  email  this is my email that ive set up within the developers console or my gmail.com

here are the steps:
  • Developers Console: create a Service Account. after creating a service account in the developer console you get a p12 file to download.
  • AppInventor: This file must be uploaded as asset into App Inventor and this is the file referenced to in the Keyfile property. Then set up the FusionTable to be accessed through the ServiceAccount.
    Instead of defining the 3 values keyfileservice account emailand Use Service Authentication in the designer, you also can do this in the blocks editor, but of course both methods require the keyfile to be uploaded.
  • FusionTable: share the FusionTable with the ServiceAccount Email address and set the permissions to "can edit".

thank you..... i will try this

I created a service account, (I am not to sure as to which email i should use in app inventor)  

used the same page to create an public API Access (Applied to blocks and now there is a question mark) I also applied it in the Designer screen

I uploaded the p12 file in the designers screen

created a new fusion table...

Now when i am testing in the emulator on select it goes to the second page but does not select product.

the page is out of line... app inventor had a notice about images not showing but are there

can you advise

I created a service account, (I am not to sure as to which email i should use in app inventor)  
after creating the service account in the Developers Console, you get a service account email to use in App Inventor

used the same page to create an public API Access (Applied to blocks and now there is a question mark) I also applied it in the Designer screen
can you provide a screenshot?

Now when i am testing in the emulator on select it goes to the second page but does not select product.
the page is out of line... 
what does that mean "the page is out of line"? 
It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

hi please see attach

if you use the service account option, you do not need the ApiKey anymore
your KeyFile name looks strange, are there spaces in the file name?

Hi please see attach

your screenshots do not help very much without Do it result...

probably first you like to answer a few questions?
Now when i am testing in the emulator on select it goes to the second page but does not select product. the page is out of line...
1. what does that mean, can you elaborate? 
2. your KeyFile name looks strange, are there spaces in the file name?
3. what kind of error do you get after inserting a row into the fusiontable?
4. did it work successfully using the ApiKey instead of the service account option?

hi can you take a look at my apk 

please answer the questions and provide a screenshot of your relevant blocks including Do it result
to look at an apk file will not help, posting an apk file is also against the posting guidelines
see screenshot how to setup the different parameter for the service account in the Blocks editor correctly

hi have followed every instructions that you advised. I have created an service account, uploaded my p12 file.   there are no errors but it just not selecting product from the list picker and you cant submit 

ok meanwhile you answered question no. 3, the other questions still are pending.
what does that mean, you can't submit? is the button disabled?
my recommendation for you is to go one step back and do the Pizza Party tutorial do learn how to work with fusiontables

i managed to get the pizza app working along with the fusion table.   I then used the same concept to build another app  which worked perfectly, loading the results on to the fusion db.   now like you know i have set up an service account so that the user does not have to enter their email address..  i have uploaded api key file . Now all the buttons are disabled. 

Please see attachments for screen shots

sorry, that's not the way to go, ignoring questions and just posting everything you have
looking at the first screenshot I would check the UseServiceAuthentication checkbox, I did not check your other screenshots...
Good luck!

i have tried with the useservice checkbox tick and untick ..  how can i remove all screen shots

i re started application everything is working fusion db and tables.  The only problem is the application will not accept the key file and service account email.. Once I apply these to the app.. the image does not display.. the buttons does not select and you can not submit.

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