2015년 1월 3일 토요일

how to view video stream from app inventor..

I need some ideas and help for the following.

I want to view an video stream from my app inventor 2 App. Is it possible to do that from App inventor? if possible pls guide.

Check out these AI2 forum links here:  https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/mitappinventortest/video$20stream  

You can do similar searches yourself and gotten an aswer quicker by using the Search for topics box to the right of the colorful google at the top of this page  with terms like video stream   or search for app inventor video stream on the Web and you will probably find more links describing using AI2

AI2 has a component to help you do this called VideoPlayer    http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/media.html#VideoPlayer  


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