2015년 1월 3일 토요일

Yes exactly what I thought was right there phone component, we can get the incoming call phone number also but we are not able to stop, end or hangup the call, thank you Taifun for saving time, is there any plan in this direction.

Dear AppInventor 2 friends,

I am intrested to start app inorder to block all telecalling number calls that is numbers starting with 140 , 144 ,+91140 ,+91144   numbers ( Indian tele calling numbers will start like these numbers)  , for this where  to start the app what are the components i should use could you please give direction.

first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.htmlto learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the

I have studied and developed two three apps also but for this kind app where to start,  what are the blocks should I use to read incoming calls plz suggest me

you can't block incoming phone calls with App Inventor
there is only the PhoneCall component, more information see here 

Yes exactly what I thought was right there phone component, we can get the incoming call phone number also but we are not able to stop, end or hangup the call,  thank you Taifun for saving time,  is there any plan in this direction.

" is there any plan in this direction."
No, of course not.  You can however, try to make your own components that do what you'd like them to do.  This is an Open Source project, so feel free to get the source code, make changes, and build your own AI2, customized to your liking!

The source code is located here...http://appinventor.mit.edu/appinventor-sources/

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