2016년 12월 29일 목요일

Push Up Notifications (Help/Ayuda)

Good to all, I wanted to know if they can help me to send notifications from the computer, and to reach all those who have my App in the form of Push up (As with whatsapp chats or emails,)

Buenas a todos, quería saber si pueden ayudarme a mandar notificaciones desde el ordenador, y que lleguen a todos los que tengan mi App en forma de Push up (Como con los chats de whatsapp o los emailes,)

This is not possible, for two reasons: An AI2 app cannot run in the background and second, how would you know who has installed your app? Are you requiring some kind of registration?

My english is very bad, sorry about that.
Look, I wanted this, but only works in 'local', I need to do the same, but sending the notifications from my PC to all persons who have my app, this is only a test, 
At the moment, only my and my boss have the app.
One solution might be to store a message in a shared text file on the web which also contains a date stamp.
Upon startup, the user app will check the contents of that file and compare it to the last date stamp stored on the user device.
If they match, then the message has already been read by the user app.
If they don't match, then the user app will display the text of the message and update the stored date stamp on the device.
Of course, the user app will need internet access.


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