2014년 12월 6일 토요일

App inventor 2 blank screen

Hello, I've made a simple app but it shows blank screen when i download it on a phone, and after few seconds an error shows up and the app crushes. I've already make two apps and this never happen to me. I've deleted everything in "blocks" option and still there is a blank screen. This picture might help.http://prntscr.com/56ch84. If you know whats wrong please answer. 

I see a bunch of vertical arrangements, which I assume you
are making visible only one at a time, to save on inter-screen logic.

Is screen1 unscrollable at packaging time?

Is only your initial vertical arrangement visible 
at packaging time?

Yes, only one vertical arrangement is visible, and the scrollable option is on and only the initial vertical arrangement is visible. Basically, the app is about my city. There will be 3-4 seperated options. History ones, modern city, hotels, restaurants, etc. So in every of these options there will be aprox. 10-14 in each of them, so i need like 60 vert. arr. if there are 4 options. For example different hotels in a city, each hotel each vertical arrangement.

So in every of these options there will be aprox. 10-14 in each of them, so i need like 60 vert. arr. if there are 4 options

let me recommend to create one template for each option, i.e. 4 vertical screen arrangements with image, label, button etc what you need. Then store the data in lists and replace the information inside programmatically for each item to display

So you think the number of arrangements is the problem and i should just make one for one option and put "if - button click - image picture to" and same with label "label text to" so it will change the image and text as i write on blocks? And do you think that i can put around 80-100 pictures that are aprox. 60kb size = 4.8mb - 6mb?

yes, you should avoid redundancy
and concerning the pictures, there is a limit of 5 MB for App Inventor apps
there are these workarounds: https://puravidaapps.com/filebyfile.php
see especially Hossein's workaround

Thank you a lot, can you view these pictures and if you could just tell me if I'm doing this good. In the first picture you can see buttonshttp://prntscr.com/56e2kh. And in the second you can see how you told me to avoid making arrangements http://prntscr.com/56e28j. Ill try to do the same with buttons if that's possible to avoid making many of them too.

this is very cumbersome, there is a lot of redundancy, you should work with lists!
as already said, see here  Building apps with many screensand How to work with Lists by Saj

I recommend you to first do the tutorials http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/tutorials.html to learn the basics of App Inventor and follow the

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