2014년 12월 6일 토요일

App to find a website from keyword

For school purposes, I want to create an app that finds a website from a keyword the user inputs and shows the web address(output) in a text box in the app. I bet I could figure it out. I've done all the tutorials, with no problem. However I'm stuck on how I would create a search query then display the output on the app? Any examples? Suggestion on where to look for help?


Search (textbox) Input> University of Toledo
Search Button clicked
(textbox)Output> http://utoledo.edu

Use the ActivityStarter:

Launch a Web search

To launch a Web search for a particular query, such as "Homer Simpson", use an activity starter with these properties:
Action: android.intent.action.WEB_SEARCH 
ExtraKey: query 
ExtraValue: Homer Simpson 
ActivityPackage: com.google.android.providers.enhancedgooglesearch 
ActivityClass: com.google.android.providers.enhancedgooglesearch.Launcher

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