2014년 12월 6일 토요일

fusion table error 400

i have tried the usuall fixes recommended but error still coming up here is my sql with the do it function displayed

error says There has been a transmission error.400 bad request invalid query:Parse erro near 'and' (line1,position 71). please try again

there is no need to start a new thread...

see again frequent made error no. 4 here
Frequent Made Errors with Fusiontables and how to fix them

Using spaces in column names
You can use spaces in column names, but then you have to quotify the name of the column in the SQL statement. 

i thought changing the text from procedure to qoutify was how you would qoutify the columns can you please pont me to a tutorial on how exactly to qoutify the two columns i have spaces in thanx

... (Name, Crop, 'Price and Amount', Comments, 'Date and Time')..

very simple, isn't it?

thank you ..but now i am getting another one i have checked and double checked i have 5 values in my query i am not sure where the 6th one is coming from

I also count 6
btw what's this?

that was the automatic time stamper for you entry i left behind from the example i have removed and also removed 6th result  yet i still get an error peharps if you can explain how i can identify lines and positions in my blocks i  can find the problem

 if you can explain how i can identify lines and positions in my blocks
sorry, I don't know, for me the line and position information does not have any meaning... probably someone form MIT can say something?

the only thing I can say is,the syntax of your INSERT INTO statement is not correct, after VALUES there must come a bracket ( and not a comma

INSERT INTO <table_id> (<column_name> {, <column_name>}*) VALUES (<value> {, <value>}*)

ok i have it figured out now thank you but one slight problem the web viewer is not displaying the table when i test the apk or run the emulator i have attached blocks for the web viewer..it just says loding at the bottom but never displays the table

does the webviewer from the tutorial work for you?

no i didnt try it until after i had made my changes just now..and the tutorial has no table asigned to it so the web viewer would not have anything to call

and the tutorial has no table asigned to

this sounds like you should do the tutorial again from the beginning...
btw. what happens if you open your table url in a browser?

when i put it in the browser it opens...i just redid the tutorial even created a pzza fusion table and still the webviewer is not showing up

ok, you found out, that the table URL is correct and is displays correctly in a browser
did you set Screen1 scrollable to false and the height of the webviewer to fill parent?

ok that did the trick but now without the screen scrollable option how am i to view my whole table is there a way around this

what about trying to scroll inside the webviewer?

scrolling inside viewer worked..but now other ppl trying to use the app are getting the 403 error no permission but i have made the fusion tables very public

read again the Pizza Party tutorial about sharing
alternatively use a service account and follow the description of Ketaki here Fusion tables query shows an error always

tutorial states public access to tables is restricted to read only..i just want to know if ketakis method might be able to bypass this b4 i go thru the process of initiating it? thank you

the tutorial says the following

NOTE about Sharing: To share a FusionTable with many people, rather than by entering email addresses individually, you can create a dedicated Google Group for your app and let all the app users know how to join the group (maybe through the web page for your app). From the moment you create your app, you share the Fusion Table once with your Google Group (using its email address), and make sure to give to the group editing rights. Every user who joins the group will inherit the editing rights automatically.

and using a service account is the new alternative method

i have set up sevice account and i am getting 403 error tweeked it acording to frequent faced errors on the pizza party tutorials but it still appears when i try to enter data into table thru app and other people too si ther some authorization step iam skipping?

try to remove the ForgetLogin block

nope it did not do the trick still have same error

did you set up the service account with the same google login as you set up the table?

check again the 3 steps described by Ketaki

- Developers Console: create a Service Account and download the generated key.
- AppInventor: Upload that key and set up the FusionTable to be accessed through the ServiceAccount. I've attached a picture of how to do this in Designer.
- FusionTable: share the FusionTable with the ServiceAccount Email address.

at has to be thru the blocks instead of designer like the tutorial and  i did  use the same login i used to create tables. and by upload key what exactly doese he mean you can only upload media correct?

at has to be thru the blocks instead of designer like the tutorial

sorry, I do not understand what you are saying

after creating a service account in the developer console you get a p12 file to download. This file must be uploaded as asset into App Inventor and this is the file referenced to in the Keyfile property.

Instead of defining the 3 values keyfile, service account email and Use Service Authentication in the designer, you also can do this in the blocks editor, but of course both methods require the keyfile to be uploaded.

and: do not forget to share the FusionTable with the ServiceAccount Email address.

ok the service account method is working just for me though other users are getting the 

There's been a transmission error. Error Please try again.

i shared the table with the email is there another step im forgeting with public accessing the fusion table?

probably I  should say this clearer: do not forget to share the FusionTable with the ServiceAccount Email address and set the permissions to "can edit"

thank you very much taifun i believe i have completed this project appriciate all your assistance :-) see u on the next one hint stock exchange tutorial...


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