I have developed an application but i see "Screen1" as the title in this application, I need to add images and and resize the title bar. Can i do this in App inventor 2? If so, please reply me about how to do that task.
you can remove the title bar with AppToMarket
You can not add images to the Title bar. You can not resize the title bar with AI2. You can add a title with set Screen1.Title to , probably in the event handler in the Screen.Initialize block but you could do this using a Button or other ways.
you can remove the title bar with AppToMarket
You can not add images to the Title bar. You can not resize the title bar with AI2. You can add a title with set Screen1.Title to , probably in the event handler in the Screen.Initialize block but you could do this using a Button or other ways.
Have you read the AI2 free online eBook http://www.appinventor.org/book2? The links are at the bottom of the Web page. This book teaches you how to program with AI2 blocks and provides a very good overview of what a developer can do with the AI2 entry level Android compiler.
thank you very much for your time... these links helped me get what i wanted :)
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