This example from the MIT Gallery might help. Be aware, the app does not close screens properly and there are other small issues. It uses Google Voice, which can be an issue if you are not within the USA (then you can use / send an ordinary sms) and you have to modify the code.
This is NOT a is a 'finished' app that some chose to share.
Is this what you wanted to know Laura?
first, Thanks for answering!! ok, it is the very first time i try to use this kind of things so i'm sooo not good at doing this. We are dealing with the problem of thieves so we are trying to create an app which permits to notify to somebody if there is something wrong with his house. So basically one should be able to open the app and , by clicking on a "pin" (the pin would appear only for the people who decide to appear in the map) to text the owner of the house.
I don't know if it's clear, i'm italian so my english is not good at all, and exuse me if I have explained everything but i think it's the only way for me to be understood. (maybe :) )
Yes, you are clear. You are new. Some of what you want to do is regarded as requiring advanced programming skills. The clicking on a pin on a map and getting the device to send a location from that clicking is NOT easy to program.
To code or write an app similar to what you want you need to learn how to program. The way to do that is to do the tutorials and read the free ebook shown here. Tutorials:
MITs tutorials
The AI2 free online eBook ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page, teaches users how to program using Blocks.
You will probably have to learn to deal with Lists, the TinyDB or perhaps how to use a Fusion table depending on how you want to share the data. Here are some hints and things you will have to learn to control with blocks using App Inventor:
List of Lists
ABG's example demonstrates filtering
Stephen's example
You will have to learn how to use the Texting component and learn how to use the AI2 LocationSensor component. The tutorials explain much of those things but they do not explain how to make your app.
What have you tried? If you post a some block images and ask specific questions we can help. However, it is impossible how to tell you how to do everything you expect to do. You are going to have to learn to program...the people here will help with that.
Oh well ok, so much work to do. I'll try ! many many thanks! You've been very kind!
I'll write again in case.
yes it is possible
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