pic 1 > pic 2(act) > pic 3(act) > pic 1 = frame animation order.
Any ideas?
No, you can't use Flash directly with AI.
However, yo CAN use animated gifs and Flash in a WebViewer, but the images have to be on the web...
You can have multiple images and use a Clock to sequence the images on your Screen. However, be aware, AI2 programming is event driven, so this could foul up some of your other code. Experiment and let us know what works for you Patrick.
clock an image? so I don't have another option?
I mean like this:
button > pressed > animate(pic1>pic2>pic1).(this will happen in sequence, and whenever the button is pressed[can't have a timer or clock in that situation])
If that's it, then just keep a global variable of the current pic, and augment it every time the button is pressed, then change the pic...
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