2014년 12월 2일 화요일

Downloading project

I would like to download the source for my project as a zip file to my computer.
In AI help I ran into the following instructions:

Downloading a project

You can share your apps by downloading the source code as a .zip file and then sending that file to another person who will in turn upload the .zip file to their projects in App Inventor. In the Designer window, click "My Projects" in the upper left. Select the checkbox next to the app you want to share. Click the "More Actions" button and select "Download Source". A .zip file will be saved in your Downloads folder.
The problem is that when I tried this the only buttons where "Start new project" and "Delete Project"
Could someone tell where I'm going wrong?

Are you coding in App Inventor 2 David?    The instructions you found are for App Inventor Classic.   The correct instructions for downloading an AI2 aia file (the source files in AI2 end in aia; they are a special zip file for AI2). http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/share.html

Sharing your app so that others can remix (.aia file)

Make sure you are viewing the list of all of your projects (if you are not, choose Projects | My Projects). Select the project you wish to share by checking the box next to it. Choose Project | Export selected project (.aia) to my computer to export the source code (blocks) for your project. The source code is downloaded in a .aia file.

If you are coding in AI Classic, are you aware that MIT says it will stop supporting AI sometimes this year?  It is late in the year and there have not been any update from MIT on the timing, but AI Classic soon will not be available.  Consequently, we urge AI users to start converting their projects to AI2 and to start using AI2.

Thank you for your help.
I was using AI 2, hence my problem.

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