I need help, can someone tell me how to duplicate screens in appinvntor 2?
AI2 Merger Tool ...
is one way,
Another way is this method proposed by Scott: you can copy a screen using one of these methods
Then delete the blocks in the copied screen that you don't need.
I need help, can someone tell me how to duplicate screens in appinvntor 2?
why do you want to duplicate a screen? This creates unnecessary redundancy!
You might be interested in reading this Building apps with many screens
Because i need to copy the blocks to another screen and it's very long to do it 10 times manually.
If you have that many screens, and you simply want to duplicate screens, you're not doing things very well. There's a general maximum of 10 screens in App Inventor, and you should RARELY need that many in any app. You should reuse your screens by having multiple arrangements on the screen, some visible, others invisible. You enable and disable the panels as you need them. If all of your screens do basically the same thing, you're wasting resources.
Because i need to copy the blocks to another screen and it's very long to do it 10 times manually.
If you have that many screens, and you simply want to duplicate screens, you're not doing things very well. There's a general maximum of 10 screens in App Inventor, and you should RARELY need that many in any app. You should reuse your screens by having multiple arrangements on the screen, some visible, others invisible. You enable and disable the panels as you need them. If all of your screens do basically the same thing, you're wasting resources.
How to duplicate or rename screens in app inventor
Hi , today I have a tuto in Spanish, ..
It is about how to duplicate or rename screens in app inventor. This is a very useful tip when you have multiple screens projects.
The idea is very simple.
1.- Export the (*.aia) to your computer.
2.- Rename extension of the *.aia to *.zip, example: myproject.aia to myproject.zip
3.- Open the zip file with the windows explorer and get to the scr folders
4.- find the *.bky and the *.scm files and copy them to a folder in your computer
5.- open those files in Notepad++ (download here: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloa...)
6.- use the option find and replace. Find ALL the ocurrences of the original name of the screen and replace them by the new screen name. Save the files.
7.- Copy the modified *.bky and the *.scm files into your zip file (the previous aia)
8.- close the zip file and rename back again to *.aia
9.- import it to App inventor!
10.- Enjoy
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