what information do they want and why do they want it?
who else is going to get the information?
is such tight integration with the Google ecosystem really necessary?
Google denies affiliation with MIT AppInventor...does MIT AppInventor deny affiliation with Google?
Should the "Create" button be changed to "Create (after letting us have access to your account)?
couldnt it say somewhere, plainly and openly, that an affirmative answer to the last question is required before one can begin to "Create"?
why doesnt it say that somewhere?
can you imagine any usage scenarios where someone might be strongly dissuaded from using your product because of this requirement?
when this [prospective] user came to your site, click-checked around a bit and then hit "create", the last thing he might have expected (had he given it much thought), was to be greeted by the attached screenshot. Irked, he thought aloud, "Well, they're 'requesting permission'...and I can say 'no thanks'....if this is a requirement, surely they would.."+click+"..n't allow a user to..." Steamed, now, this user snarled at his iMac screen: "You, know..", he fumed at an impassive browser, "your congeniality is disingenuous! Why do you masquerade behind pleasantries like request and no thanks, only to expose your hidden intransigence a moment later?" Silence.
Later, over beers, the user would admit that no, his browser never answered his question. When pressed on the issue, he curtly responded that his browser had in fact never answered any question bearing any scent of ethical dilemmas..."occam's razor, occams razor, occams razor.", he said under his breath. A moment later he had a wry grin: "know what i'm gonna do? I'm going to lon on to their forum....gonna show them... gonna ask some tough questions, you betcha." Sadly, the six people who did read the questions all thought the same thing: "user is mad, disregard." Two of them, though, scratched their heads and paused first "hmm, I wonder....nah, user is mad!"
see this similar question https://groups.
Advice: Before posting, it's a good idea to search in this forum. Many others have likely run into problems similar to yours. How to search see screenshot.
See also the Top 5 Tips: How to learn
App Inventor
The Google cars have been dispatched.
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