2014년 11월 29일 토요일

School Computer Lab Setup

I am curious how other educators connect AI2 to emulators.  I've successfully used the companion app over wireless to connect to the editor on my network, however I am finding a hard device limit that is problematic for running a full class worth of computers.  From reading the forums it sounds like many schools use the USB connection option.  

Educators, what is your preferred connection method?  I am looking to have 30 computers and 30 mobile devices running in a classroom, is a wireless solution even possible?

You say (in the dropdown list) that you are connecting from a company network.   So it's possible the company network has the capacity to support 60 wireless connections in the classroom.   Ask your networking people, but my guess it that it's unlikely.    I'd suggest using the USB cables.   Remember that you'll need to deal with drivers on Windows.   So set things up and test well in advance.

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