2014년 12월 7일 일요일

Can't see NXT via bluetooth connection?

I'm doing the NXT AI2 tutorial found here: http://www.appinventor.org/Chapter12

For some reason, my app can't see the NXT. I have the BT on on both devices, and the NXT is set to visible. When I look on BT on my Galaxy S3, it lists the NXT as a device that it sees, but it doesn't show up in the Listpicker (nothing does), which is strange.

I've triple-checked the blocks and I don't think there's an error there.

Am I missing something obvious?

Without a post of a block screen capture (png or jpg), forum members can not check your code; which, despite your diligence, still might have an error in it.

You might email the author of the book , it is possible there is an issue with the chapter instructions.

  AppInventor.org partners with but is a separate entity from MIT App Inventor

make sure, the device is paired

The addresses and names of paired Bluetooth devices

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