2014년 12월 12일 금요일

Insert Row into Fusion Table using fusiontablecontrols.insertrow

I am trying to insert a row into a fusion table using the fusiontablescontrol.insertrow command.

when it executes in my app I get the swirling fusion table icon on the screen but nothing appears in my fusion table.

i have set my fusion table up in exact same way as I have used for another table which I read from and this works fine.

attached a couple of screenshots of the code:

see the documentation http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu/reference/components/storage.html#FusionTablesControl

InsertRow(text tableId, text columns, text values)
Inserts a row into the specified fusion table. The tableId field is the id of thefusion table. The columns is a comma-separated list of the columns to insert values into. The values field specifies what values to insert into each column.

let me recommend to put together the INSERT statement as described in the Pizza Party tutorial. That's much easier to debug. IMHO the new blocks do not help very much, they just add more confusion...

Thanks for the advice Taifun.

I took my query from the insertrow command and put it into a fusiontablecontrol.query (as per Taifun's pizza party tutorial) and it worked straight away. suspect that the new insertrow block does not work properly. Has anyone else managed to use it? I have not seen any examples of it use when searching.

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