How to make a GPS Map (Google) on App Inventor?
yes, just use the barcode scanner component
first do the tutorials explore/ai2/tutorials.htmlto learn the basics of App Inventor, then try something and follow the
There are many different ways a developer can make a GPS map with AI2. You can use Google Map, Google Static Map API, the Fusion Table or use a flat map.
For a beginner, try the three tutorials here explore/ai2/tutorials3818. html?&page=2 that can help you.
You appear to be located in Europe. Be aware, the coordinates provided by the AI2 LocationSensor use a period (.) decimal format for reporting latitude and longitude. The Where's My Car tutorial does not explain how to handle that when the decimal separator is a comma, as is used in most of Europe and some other places outside of North America.
We get a lot of questions about Where is My Car tutorial.( um/#!searchin/mitappinventorte st/where$20is$20my$20car ) The tutorial is USA centric and does not address how the Location.Sensor coordinates are output . The Location.Sensor Lat/Lon cordinates use a period decimal separator. In Europe and other regions, a comma is used as a separator. Herve's French tutorial makes it very clear what Europeans and others need to do to get the tutorial working in their environment because he specifically shows where the decimal separator needs to be converted to a comma and how to do it.
Until David Wolber updates his tutorial for the World audience ( xplore/ai2/android-wheres-my-c ar.html ) Herve's supplement works.
See Herrve's pdf here rum/#!searchin/mitappinventort est/herve/mitappinventortest/o xCxwzb4Zgc/RNw8POCgq7QJ
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