2014년 12월 12일 금요일

Updating a total

Gifts from employers to employees, If a location gives say free coffee to there employees I want to record IE store that location as an employer of offers gifts and the amount of the gift, now if this employer does this on an on going basis say once a month or whatever I have already recorded the location but i want to update the total amount,  Nut if I use a global variable to accumulate the amounts and then another employer at another Location starts doing that then my global is already in use and if I update it it will have location1's amount in it and the new location amount (Location2's amount) will be equal to its gift plus all of Locations1's gifts totaled.

So I want to just add to what was stored in location1 when they make a new gift and if there is a new location making gifts store it name and initial amount and the next time it makes a gift add to what was stored there last time

Same problem this is an update on my revised code

This is the kind of problem you would solve with a spreadsheet program.
Google has  decent free one onlne and for Android.
Look for Google Sheets.

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