Progressing slowly but still having problems with the conversion from Classic to Inventor 2.
What is the Inventor 2 block which replaces the Classic MAKE TEXT BLOCK, currently dong the Business card app.
What might help is if someone could post the Block code for theBUSINESS CARD app as derived for the App Inventor 2 which I could use as a Rosetta stone to put me on the right road.
Make Text is in AI2 Text -> Join block
The "Business Card" app is part of a third-party for profit course that users have to buy. I suggest you contact the publisher of that course.
In the meantime
AI to AI2 conversion
To convert AI Classic blocks to App Inventor 2 blocks, the document mentioned below outlines some of the differences between AI Classic and AI2:
Scott prepared this: forum/#!searchin/app-inventor- developers-library/Classic$20/ app-inventor-developers- library/BFtMa0BpJq8/tY_ 9ZCXbtH8J
This link talks about differences and the new stuff in AI2 explore/ai2/whats-new.html
These documents will help you convert an AI to AI2.
My experience is it is frequently better to ignore ALL the blocks in old AI Classic tutorials and build the app using the tools in App Inventor 2. Read what the app is supposed to do, then just start building an AI2 app to do those things. WHY? Many of the AI2 tools are very different than the tools in AI Classic and most of the tools are 'better' in that the similar tools in AI2 have more capability, there are more tool options to do things that were done in AI Classic in 'better' ways using AI2. Of course, if you have to, the advice above may help you 'convert.' The AI2 free online eBook book2... the links are at the bottom of the Web page teaches you to program AI2 blocks (and is FREE online).
The AI2 controls are discussed here:
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