App Inventor can figure out where it is by using the LocationSensor. If you program the information about Berlin, the app can find what you programmed. Look at this demonstration called Map Tour
You could also use the LocationSensor in conjunction with a Web search. AI2's ActivityStarter can do a Web search, search on LocationSensor. CurrentAddress.
To do the web search, you would do something like this:
Launch a Web search
To launch a Web search for a particular query, such as "Homer Simpson", use an activity starter with these properties:
Action: android.intent.action.WEB_ SEARCH
ExtraKey: query
ExtraValue: Homer Simpson
ActivityPackage: enhancedgooglesearch
ActivityClass: enhancedgooglesearch.Launcher
Where the LocationSensor.CurrentAddress replaces Homer Simpson
Also you can also
Show a map for a location
If you know the latitude and a longitude of a location, you can show a map using an activity starter with these properties to show a map of the area:
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
DataUri: geo:37.8,-122.23?z=23
The format of the DataURI is specific to the app. In this example, the URI specifies a z (zoom) of 23, which is the largest zoom value. Zoom value is optional and ranges from 1 (the entire Earth) to 23.
If you know the zip code, you can set the activity starter properties as follows:
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
DataUri: geo:0,0&q=94043
If you have a street address, you can use a DataUri that encodes the address with a scheme called URL encoding :
Action: android.intent.action.VIEW
DataUri: geo:0,0&q=5000% 20MacArthurBlvd%20Oakland%2CCA
Generally in URI encoding the only characters you have to replace are space
with the ActivityStarter.
There are other things you can do using the Google Business Maps API .
What have you tried?
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