2014년 12월 14일 일요일

[App Inventor Open Source Development] API >= 14 Features? Is it possible to use higher level APIs in AI2?

We are planning to use higher level API features to implement new component(s) in AI2. An example is the WiFi Direct feature that is only available in APIs >= 14. Is this possible? If it is, please give me some pointers that I can look at. I'm worried to get stuck with this problem especially when I read this post.

Also, I'm aware that AI2 is currently on API 3, and soon enough, API4 that's why I'm hesitant. In any case, if the native WiFi Direct is not possible, can I use external libraries such as AllJoyn to implement a Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET)? The reason for this question is the capability of AI2, given its API level, to communicate with hardware drivers in the actual devices.

I read all the docs on how to contribute to this project and I'm currently trying some things to solve this problem.


Yes you can include external libraries. 

Please see documents HERE.

Thank you. I hope that there are no restrictions in AI2 regarding hardware drivers.

How about the possibility of using higher API? Do you have any idea on this?

You have access to entire codebase and can update as needed.

The AI code currently supports up to API 17. If you need to add stuff later than is available in API17 like BLE then you can update the Android SDK library in the AI source code.

I just upgraded a fork of the source to API 18 to include the Bluetooth LE API calls. For the most part, you just add a lib/android/4.3.1/android.jar from the Android SDKs and update the references in the build.xml and buildserver/build.xml files. See the change log here to see the exact changes:

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