2014년 12월 14일 일요일

Display Image on Spite

hi I am trying to display an Images on image sprite . i initialized it to to the first the image in list then used  if block. it works fine but it is really tedious so i tried adding+ 1 to index every time sprite was touched but it wouldn't work. any tips? <img src="

My wording was poor . When  i touch image sprite using the if then block it works fine but it is tedious. But if use the block it doesn't work and image sprite just disappears when it is touched.

I saw the problem when i posted it so i changed the block to [ but it only displays the image when after each touch for 3 times then it disspears.

blocks for above post

why are you setting the image sprite size in every if statement when you're never actually changing the size?

to change size of pic but i see your point . I could have done it once 

Enis can you delete this post so i can do another post?it is not to the point.


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