2014년 12월 14일 일요일

Desktop was erased when uninstalling the program

Hi, I'm totally new to all of this. So I downloaded the emulator to my desktop but then I saw in the directions that I should have downloaded it to where ever location it initially had. So I uninstalled it and when I did all of my pictures and pdf files on my desktop were erased. I just want to know what happened.

This is a bug in the App Inventor installer software.   Uninstall will remove all files in the folder, not just the ones that were installed as part of App Inventor.   We will soon be releasing updated setup software that has this bug fixed.

Andrew: Can you provide an update?

As Hal mentioned we are working on a new version of the App Inventor setup tools installer that will fix a few issues this being one of them. I am testing the new tools and will be releasing them to wider testing soon. 

Thanks for feedback.

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