2014년 12월 27일 토요일

uncheck check box when another is checked

if there where was a "when checkbox checked" block, i would do: if checkbox 1 checked, set checkbox 2 to, not,check box 2 checked.
Is there any way to do it. "when checkbox 1 . changed" didnt work and i dont have anywhere to put an" if,then" block.
(its not important enough for a screenshot)

You do it in the Checkbox.Changed block Jen...

Where you have to be careful is IF you have the same code in Checkbox2.Changed, then they'll work against themselves cause they'll be constantly changing.

You can also do the checking in a timer (Clock) component... set the interval to 1000 so it checks once a second, and in the Clock1.Timer block, do that code above and it'll constantly change it  without the Checkbox1.Changed block...

Try this:

RadioGroup Check Boxes Solved.

refer to: Checkboxes as radio buttons


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