2014년 12월 28일 일요일

ai2 beta: Control "When...do" is missing from Built-in menu

Control "When...do" is missing from Built-in menu in ai2 beta 
AppInventor Server: http://ai2.appinventor.mit.edu - Windows XP 64bit.
Is there anyone with the same problem?

The blocks that are available are listed here:  http://appinventor.mit.edu/explore/ai2/support/blocks/control.html  

There is no When..do block.   Does a tutorial somewhere show a  When..do block?  Can you explain where you saw a block like that or is this something else?

There is a while test do block.

Thank you very much Steve for your quick response.
I found the command "when" in a tutorial and in the lyceum school book of informatics (Greece)
Maybe it refers to an older version, yet "HelloPurr.aia" works fine on my samsung tablet.

When is used primarily in AI2 for actions... When Button1.Clicked, When Canvas1.Touched etc...

You have in your screen shots the available control blocks... You can do a For Each loop, or a While test Do loop, or a For each in list Do...

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