2014년 12월 28일 일요일

There's been a transmission error. Error Please try again

I have gone back to basics merged Pizza app with adding a service account...   I have gone over previous blogs regarding this error.. i have shared fusion table with Service account email , checked spaces in id table

can you have a look at these blocks and tell me what you think 

yes, that's a funny error...
You get that error if you forget to share the fusiontable with the service account email address...

but: the first step is to get the example app running before continuing with your own app...

How to use the Service account option to connect to a Fusion TablesFusiontable

does the example app work for you?

yes did example did work...?

Im still getting that error.. i did get the example working even with both table id..  would it have something to do with the URL please see attach

your latest screenshot does not help at all...
ok, the example app is working, which means, the problem is in your app

I recommend you to define the service account email and key file name in the Blocks editor as in the example app
how did you define the service account email in the Blocks editor?
how did you define the keyfile in the Blocks editor?

i have copied the blocks please see attached.  Left in the URL block to see if that would help along with the API key block

make sure to share the FusionTable with the ServiceAccount Email address and set the permissions to "can edit".
also why do you still use an API key in your blocks?

Thank you very much...

glad you got it working!
h*app*y inventing!

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