Im trying to make this game that involves placing images to their source, having only two different options to select as an answer. The image is randomly selected from a list, then if you get it right the score must increase by one and the image be replaced by another random picture from the same list. Im having problems to make this happen, ill upload a picture of the blocks i have so far. Im pretty sure the problem comes from the "if then do" block, so the one that decides whether you are right or wrong.
use the is in list block instead
is in list?
If thing is one of the elements of the list, returns true; otherwise, returns false. Note that if a list contains sublists,
the members of the sublists are not themselves members of the list. For example, the members of the list (1 2 (3 4)) are 1, 2, and the list (3 4); 3 and 4 are not themselves members of the list.
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