I am working with MIT appinventor. where Can I get my "KeyFile" and "TableID" to insert it for my fusiontable?
I have my my service account email, but i am having trouble finding those.
Alex... please do NOT double post here. We see all of the messages, and if you haven't gotten an answer, it's because someone with the knowledge you need isn't available right now.
Double posting just wastes space and time...
You'll get an answer as soon as the right person can give you one. Please be patient. I've deleted your other post...
Double posting just wastes space and time...
You'll get an answer as soon as the right person can give you one. Please be patient. I've deleted your other post...
Whoops, my bad....thank you
NP... Personally, I have very little experience with Fusion Tables.
Here's a link to a thread that might guide you though... I searched under Fusion Table Keys:
https://groups.google.com/ forum/#!searchin/ mitappinventortest/Fusion$ 20Table$20Keys/ mitappinventortest/ fmmhFWXg7IY/Qu1eIWQIXLcJ
Here's a link to a thread that might guide you though... I searched under Fusion Table Keys:
Unfortunately, they only talk about an API key. I'm looking for specific "keyfile" that i am having trouble finding it.
Then read this one... And use the search feature on the forum... it gets good responses based upon asking good questions. You should also do the Pizza Party tutorial that works with Fusion Tables... The tutorials are located here: http://appinventor.mit.edu/ explore/ai2/tutorials
It helps to do the Pizza Party tutorial first to learn how to work with fusiontables
- Developers Console: create a Service Account. after creating a service account in the developer console you get a p12 file to downloadand a service account email to use in App Inventor.
- App Inventor: This file must be uploaded as asset into App Inventor and this is the file referenced to in the Keyfile property. Then set up the FusionTable to be accessed through the ServiceAccount.
Instead of defining the 3 values keyfile, service account email and Use Service Authentication in the designer, you also can do this in the blocks editor (see screenshot), but of course both methods require the keyfile to be uploaded.
- FusionTable: share the FusionTable with the ServiceAccount Email address and set the permissions to "can edit".
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