2014년 12월 8일 월요일

Companion connection error on emulator / over wifi / over USB

I'm a teacher in the UK and currently putting together my own scheme of work with tutorial videos for AI2.

Everything was going great last week, made several template apps, written up some lesson plans and now I come back to it and I'm really struggling with testing my apps (which worked seamlessly last week)

No matter which connection method / computer / android device I use I continually get companion connection errors whilst testing ever the most simple app.
Once the error occurs it takes anthing from 2/3 to 10 attempts to reconnect, only for it to happen again 5 mins later.

So here's what I see:
Over Wifi (app companion)
mid way through running app, connection error appears try to reconnect, device scans QR code and then computer and device do nothing, QR remains on the screen and eventually times out. I stop the companion on the tablet and try again until it works. (usually go away have a cuppa then come back)

Over USB & Emulator exactly the same problem occurs except I often see an error "1801: Security Error Receiving blocks from browser"

I tried:
Reset connections
Hard Reset
Galaxy 3S
Nexus 7 2014
Restarting machine
Factory reset of tablet
disable antivirus

Any help / thoughts would be much appreciated

try Firefox, see also https://groups.google.com/forum/#!category-topic/mitappinventortest/f9bBBMJrMAI

I am using Firefox 32.0.3 getting same error. I could not run single app using this MIT app inventor.

some weeks ago there was an issue with the Google Chrome version, therefore we recommended to use Firefox instead.
But the new Chrome version now runs fine. What happens, if you test with the current Chrome Version 38.0.2125.111 m ? Also you could try the current Firefox 33.0.3....

When were you doing this testing James?   On November 7th, MIT had some serious hardware problems with their build servers.  It created some havoc for quite a few users.  The servers appear to be running properly now.  When was the last time you tried?

James, we do not recommend disabling virus checkers.

Some of your error messages are unique.   I have not seen them before.  Do you have multiple browser windows open, are are you on a school network?  and when was the last time you ran your virus checker?

If your testing was on the 7th, just try working with your project again for another try.   If you still are not running, I may have some other ideas and things to check.

@SteveJG: Phani hijacked this old thread from James, because he got the same error ...

@Taifun..... thanks .... answer is still the same.   The build server issue the other day was really nasty and might be Phani's issue.   

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