2014년 12월 8일 월요일

Key pair format question

I would like to create a deck of cards using key pairs.  What is the proper format for the pairs?  My format for the cards (keys) and values are as follows :

Ace of Spades would be:

Key AS 
Value 20

Two of Spades would be:

Key 2S 
Value 21


I've attached my code that keeps giving me fits.  I've also tried straight text.

Basically, How do I turn this data:   
((AS 20)(2S 21)(3S 22)(4S 23)(5S 24)(6S 25)(7S 26)(8S 27)(9S 28)(TS 29)(JS 30)(QS 31)(KS 32)(AH 120)(2H 121)(3H 122)(4H 123)(5H 124)(6H 125)(7H 126)(8H 127)(9H 128)(TH 129)(JH 130)(QH 131)(KH 132)(AD 220)(2D 221)(3D 222)(4D 223)(5D 224)(6D 225)(7D 226)(8D 227)(9D 228)(TD 229)(JD 230)(QD 231)(KD 232)(AC 320)(2C 321)(3C 322)(4C 323)(5C 324)(6C 325)(7C 326)(8C 327)(9C 328)(TC 329)(JC 330)(QC 331)(KC 332))

into a properly formed  pairs where must be a list of pairs, that is, a list where each element is itself a list of two elements.

a correct csv table looks like this:


note the comma between each element and the new line after each row
try again with a correct cv table

I had to format my text like this to get it to work:


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