2014년 12월 8일 월요일

Permission denial error in AI companion app

I built the app from the sources and had successfully uploaded and run it on my phone. Suddenly after one build I started getting this error:

W/ActivityManager(  909): Permission Denial: starting Intent { act=com.google.zxing.client.android.SCAN cmp=com.motorola.migrate/com.google.zxing.client.android.CaptureActivity } from ProcessRecord{42b5dbd8 6849:edu.mit.appinventor.aicompanion3/u0a137} (pid=6849, uid=10137) not exported from uid 10052
I tried doing an 'ant clean' but it did not help either. Any clues on what could be going on..

I tried 2 more experiments:

1. An install from the app-store works fine.
2. I downloaded fresh sources from github and built the app. Even this does not work. I get the same error.

I am attaching the apk here if it helps..

Did you recently upgrade the scanning app on your phone?

Note: The version from the store has a builtin scanner, which is not in the public sources (yet).

Thanks for the hint. The upgraded version of "Motorola Migrate" was causing the problem. On uninstalling the upgrades, the problem went away. Does this mean that some activity in "Moto Migrate" is trying to capture the intent from the Companion?

It sounds like you were attempting to send an intent to an internal activity of the scanning app that is now restricted. Try installing the "Barcode Scanner" app from the Play Store.

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