2014년 12월 11일 목요일

Displaying list

I am tring to display 3 list they get displayed but backwards.  The last item is first and the first item is last. here are my screen shots  

In your procedure, join the text, the line feeds and the item in that order...  you have it backwards.

Okay I tried that but it still comes out backwards

your procedure looks fine
use Do it to debug your blocks and test your procedure with a test list, e.g. a,b,c, what do you get?

In the initialize local text to space block to do give the error Error from Companion: The second argument to foreach is not a list. The second argument is: package $list

in the do block to do gives the error:  Error from Companion: java.lang.RuntimeException: invalid syntax in eval form:<string>:1:115: first set! argument is not a variable name

in the for each block to do give the error:   Error from Companion: java.lang.RuntimeException: invalid syntax in eval form:<string>:1:106: first set! argument is not a variable name

In the set text block to do gives the error:  Error from Companion: java.lang.RuntimeException: invalid syntax in eval form:<string>:1:82: first set! argument is not a variable name

and now I only get the last item in each list which is still backwards IE the last location in the location list which is Fox: 
the total sales in the sales list IE not the sales for Fox but the total for all three locations
and the total taxes due in the taxes list if paid on time again not the taxes due for Fox but the total for all 3 locations with the discount for paying on time subtracted

Now it is not even working before it was working it was just listing everything backwards first item last and last item first but now it does nothing just a blank report

Do it does not work for local variables
did you try calling your procedure using a list a,b,c as input parameter? what do you get back as result?
as you can see from my screenshot, it works fine...

Yes in fact I just tried that very thing and I got nothing

and I got nothing that is nothing
provide again a screenshot including Do it results

The A B C list was displayed twice on Do It

The 10 20 30 list was displayed 3 times with Do It

and the 1 2 3 list was displayed once with Do It

just drag the bottom right corner out and expand it just like in windows.

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