"Launch the aiStarter program on your computer and then try again. Need Help?"
I am not sure what you are doing Nate. There is no "when i press enulator it says" button. Did you Connect > Emulator using the browser?
If you have BlueStacks on your computer, AI2 cannot run unless BlueStacks is disabled and all its processes are shut down. It this a possibility?
Have you successfully used the emulator before or is this the first time you are trying to use it?
Are you using a Mac or Windows or Linux PC? Our response depends partially on that?
Are you using the school network in a classroom environment or just from say the cafeteria? It is impossible to run App Inventor 2 on some school networks unless the IT administrators permit it. I suspect this is your issue. Correct? But it might be something else.
I assume you followed all the directions here : http://appinventor.mit.edu/ explore/ai2/setup-emulator. html Did you do ALL the steps? and did you do the test to see if everything is working correctly ( go to this link http://appinventor.mit.edu/ test/ ... you should get a message that aiStarter v2.2 running. Do you get that message or something else.
Please review the install instructions, especially Step 1 (there are different instructions for Macs and PCs). Is it possible you missed a step?
Let us know how it is going. If you get the emulator working please let us know, if it still is not working, we need to ask you for more information.
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